Leïla Martial

Leïla Martial was raised on stage : born in 1984 to a classical oboist and an opera singer, schooled at Marciac Musical College, and Conservatory of Toulouse, she hesitates between becoming an actress or a singer…. and finally makes up her mind to become a singer.

« From a very young age, foreign languages fascinated me; I would spend hours imitating them and inventing new ones.”

Above all, Leila loves improvising, making up her own language with onomatopoeias. She plays with her voice like she would with an instrument.

Leila is the first vocalist to have ever been awarded the Best Soloist award at the National Jazz Competition of Paris-la Defense in 2009. 

An acrobat singer, walking the tightrope of improvisation, she makes light work of styles and constraints and invents the vocal jazz of tomorrow. She easely interprets complex compositions in perfect fusion with the group. Her subtle voice possesses the tiny fissure which can trigger great emotions.

More than the birth of a great singer, it is the blooming of a fascinating group (Mathieu Durand- Jazz News)

A vocal revelation… Leila Martial liberates the voice, the scream, the verb and poetry. (Fara C – L’Huma)

Leila Martial is more than a singer. She is a creator of emotions, and a sculptor of voice. (Jean-Marc Gélin – Jazz Magazine)

Website Leïla Martial


  • Leïla Martial « Baabel » (2016)
  • Vincent Peirani Livibg Being extended « live at SWR » (2016)
  • Anne Pacéo « Circles » (2016)
  • Humanophones “Corpus” (2015)
  • Organic 5tet (2015) IN CIRCUM GIRUM
  • Live at Olympia “you & the night & the music” (2012)
  • Leïla Martial «Dance Floor » (2012) OUTNOTE records / Harmonia Mundi
  • Tony Tixier 7tet « Parallel world » (2010) 
  • The Wild Grapefruit « L’ordre des choses » (2010) 

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